samedi 13 août 2022

5 Ways To Boost Your Writing Creativity


5 Ways To Boost Your Writing Creativity

Creativity comes in spurts and sometimes you cannot wait for inspiration to strike you. Tap into your creative zone and use every writing tool at your disposal. These tools vary from person-to-person but find something that works and stick to it. Here are a few suggestions on how to boost your creativity as a writer.

1 -Read As Much As You Can and From Varying Genres

Perhaps easier said than done but if you want to boost your creativity, a starting point would be to read as much as you can. It’s not enough to stick to a genre or genres that you’re most interested in and have read countless times before. Try to read books, or even online resources that help to stimulate your mind and challenge you to grasp concepts that are otherwise alien to you. This will help spark your creative flow and will offer you new perspectives and perhaps a new favorite genre or field will pop up on your radar.

2 -Move Around

It’s important for all writers to have a workspace. Whether that’s at their desks or at the kitchen table, or perhaps outdoors; moving locations can enhance creativity. You’ve changed surroundings and while this may give you a feeling of discomfort, it’s important to sometimes change environments to provide stimuli or inspiration that you may not have otherwise experienced before.

Too often us writers are confined to one workspace and yet it’s so easy to move from that setting to another and see new sights, hear new sounds, and this may just uncloud your perception and allow for a breakthrough in your next piece.

3 -Make it a Habit to Write Regularly

Writing each day may seem rigorous or sound like overkill, and it is. However, if you want to sharpen your skills and dust off the cobwebs that may be holding back your creativity it’s worth a shot. You don’t necessarily have to write a novel in a single sitting — that’d be ridiculous. Instead, write about any subject or topic that comes to mind or, if you’re itching to write that new piece of flash fiction, or short story, chip away at it each day. If you can’t, at least you gave it your best shot.

4 -Listen to Music

Listening to music can be soothing, it can excite, provide catharsis, but most importantly of all it can heal the soul. Listen to your favorite tunes, and don’t be afraid to explore other genres that you might not be all too familiar with.

Certain singers, bands and rap artists can spurn creativity like you’ve never experienced before. Embrace popular music, but for some, instrumentals or ambience work best. Find something that works and stick to it. If you’re not feeling inspired with your current selection — ask for recommendations and keep expanding your musical muscles.

5 -Make Creative Exercises Routine

Setting short-term writing goals are important and sometimes it’s easy to forget how to be creative at all. If you need inspiration — choose a starting point. Whatever comes to mind, just start writing.

If you need something to get the creative juices, it’s worth choosing a topic at random and writing about that. Or recount an experience or memory and recreate it on the page. Who knows where it will lead you and it could very well provide you with the wherewithal to write your next great piece!

So, there you go. Feeling creative is part of a larger process when it comes to being a writer. Everyone writes, but not everyone writes well. With these tips you’ll have a starting point, and while the list isn’t the end all be all of how to write well…believe in yourself and your writing. Keep moving forward and your efforts will pay in dividends.

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